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    The Town of Troy is a rural township, located in South Central Sauk County, Wisconsin. As of the 2010 census, 794 people resided in the township with 336 households in 53.1 square miles.

Website Disclaimer

    This is the official website of the Town of Troy, Sauk County, WI. The information contained in the Town of Troy Website is provided as a public service to the citizens of theTown of Troy and to the Internet Com-munity.

    The contents of this website are subject to periodic change. Information presented on the Town of Troy Website is not intended toater Test replace official sources.

    Every attempt will be made to assure that information is accurate and timely, however information is presented as is without warranty.                 

    The Town of Troy Website should not be mistaken for legal advice. Information contained herein should not be considered error-free and should not be used as the exclusive basis for decision making.

     Use of Website information is strictly voluntary and at the user\sole risk.


Weight Limit Rules                                          There are new State Weight Limit rules addressing large equipment on roadways.  The weight limit for certain farm equipment is now 92,000 lbs.   Any equipment that is over 92,000 lbs. must apply for a permit.  For the Town of Troy, permits may be gotten from Supervisor Jeff Lohr.  He may be reached at 544-3644.  There is no charge for the permit.

Town of Troy News

News & Information                                    Town & Country Letter                              Recycle News                                                Recycle News 2023                                        2023 Recylce / Garbage Schedule                2024 Garbage / Recycle Schedule              Lightspeed Fiber Optic Witwen Project        Reedsburg Utility                                          NOW HIRING TOWN PATROLMAN    Click Here for Application                                                                                                      Town Board Documents                                                                                    Notice 08/06/24                                              Town Board Minutes 06/11/24                      Town Board Agenda 07/09/24                      Special Meeting Minutes 05/28/24                Town Board Minutes 05/14/24                      Town Board Agenda 06/11/24                    Special Meeting Notice 05/28/24                  Town Board Minutes 04/22/24                  Town Board Agenda 05/14/24                       Board of  Review Notice 05/15/24            Annual Meeting Minutes 04/16/24                Town Board Minutes 03/12/24                      Town Board Agenda 04/16/24                      2023 Minicipal Report                                  Annual Meeting Notice 04/16/24                  Open Book Notice                                          Special Meeting Notice 03/30/24                  Towm Board Minutes 02/13/24                    Town Board Agenda 03/12/24                      Spring Primary Election Notice                    WTA Meeting Notice                                    Town Board Minutes 01/09/24                      Notice 02/15/24                                              Town Board Agenda 02/13/24                  Town Board Minutes 12/12/23                     Town Board Agenda 01/09/24                       Town Board Minutes 11/14/23                    Town Board Agenda 12/12/23                      Town Board Minutes 10/10/23                    Town Board Agenda 11/14/23                      Notice of Board of Review 11/29/23            Notice Sauk County Unit Meeting 11/16/23  2024 Budget Proposal                                   Notice of Public Hearing 2024 Budget  Special Meeting Notice 10/30/23                  Open Book Notice 10/20/23                          Town Board Minutes 09/12/23                      Town Board Agenda 10/10/23                      Town Board Minutes 08/08/23                      Notice of Closed Session 09/12/23                Town Board Agenda 09/12/23                                                                                                                 More Documents

Useful Web Links 

Sauk County Government
Sauk County Property & Land Us(ALRS)   
Sauk County On line Mapping                          Tax Assessments                                                                                                                        Town Plan Commission

The Town of Troy Planning Commission meets on the 4th Monday of each month to discuss building permits, easement issues, certified survey maps and a host of other issues relating to land use in the Town of Troy.

 Building Permit Process

Generally, the first call in getting a permit is to the Planning Commission Chairman. For a printout of the Permit Proces click permits.

Plan Commission Chairman: Brian Hanson
(608) 544-5000

Building Inspector: Peter Giese
Cell (608) 697-7778

Home (608) 727-3799               

Plan Commission Document                  Plan Commission Minutes 06/24/24                Plan Commission Agenda 06/24/24                  Plan Commission Minutes 05/28/24          Plan Commission Agenda 05/28/24              Plan Commission Minutes 04/22/24                 Plan Commission Agenda 04/22/24                  Plan Commission Minutes 03/25/24                  Plan Commission Agenda 03/25/24                  Plan Commission Minutes 02/27/24                  Plan Commission Agenda 02/27/24                  Plan Commission Agenda 01/22/24                  Plan Commission Minutes 01/22/24

Town Plan Commission

The Town of Troy Planning Commission meets on the 4th Monday of each month to discuss building permits, easement issues, certified survey maps and a host of other issues relating to land use in the Town of Troy.

Plan Commission Members

Chairman: Brian Hanson
Secretary: Doug Larsen
Member: Dean Slark
Member: Peter Maestri
Board Member: Jeff Lohr